Foreca Weather

ForecaWeather for Mobile
ForecaWeather provides current conditions, 10 day weather forecasts and various weather animations for any location world-wide.
You can choose from over 140.000 hand picked locations or you can retrieve forecasts for your current location using your phone's GPS. You can also use the Landmarks in your phone or you can enter a new location by coordinates. ForecaWeather lets you display a 10-day forecast in your phone's calendar as memos.
ForecaWeather features the following Foreca mobile products:
* Current conditions
* Detailed forecast with 6h time-steps
* Long 10 day forecast
* Weather radar (North Europe and USA)
* Temperature forecast map
* Precipitation forecast map
* Symbol map
* Wind forecast map
* Cloudiness forecast map
* Satellite images
Graphical products are available as still images and animations.
ForecaWeather is available in three versions:
* Symbian S60 3rd and 5th ed.
* iPhone
* JAVA version, which works with most Java enabled handsets
The latest Java and S60 versions are ad-enabled and provided without any subscription charges
Languages supported: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Russian and Finnish. 

Compatible Nokia Phones

Nokia C3-01           Nokia X3-02       Nokia X2           Nokia 6303i          Nokia X3
Nokia C2-00           Nokia C1-02       Nokia C1-01     Nokia C3               Nokia 7020       
Nokia 5132             Nokia 2710 N     Nokia 7230       Nokia 2220 S        Nokia 7510 S
Nokia 6350             Nokia 3720        Nokia 3710 F     Nokia 6600i S      Nokia 3600 S
Nokia 2720 F         Nokia 2730         Nokia 6700        Nokia 2700          Nokia 7100
Nokia 5130            Nokia 6303 C     Nokia 3610 F     Nokia 7610 S      Nokia 6500
Nokia 7310 S        Nokia 7210 S     Nokia 6600 F     Nokia 6600 S      Nokia 3500
Nokia 5220           Nokia 5000        Nokia 6300         Nokia 6301        
Nokia 5310           Nokia 6555        Nokia 7500         Nokia 6500 S   


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